Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi NTB


About Communication

In simple term, communication means talking to each other. How do we know that we have a good communication skill at our working environment? Well, if you can talk and other people understand what you are talking about, you are a good communicator. Communication is the basic need for creating a healthy work environment. Each department as a part of the whole organization need to work together with other department. A good communication strategy can increase organizational productivity.

So, how to implement communication strategies? To answer this inquiry, let me start with the verbal communication strategies, which extremely important for building trust among team members. Working in organization require a teamwork with distribution of works are assigned to each team members. Verbal communication strategies among team members can increase team productivity. It helps to eliminate misunderstandings among members. As compared to text messages, verbal communication can help to clarify the idea that the team members should do in achieving the goals of the organization.
Next, the use of technology to create open communication among all team members is important. Each member has to understand each other tasks and how far each member has progressed with their tasks before moving to the next stages of the projects at hand. Some works within the project require the finalization of the first stage elements before moving to next stage. Confusion is one of the challenges in the lack of open communication among team members. The team leader needs to create an environment where each team member can talk to each other. In simple terms, each team member needs to measure its own performance that can contribute to other’s performance and move the project phase to the next level.

Further, visual communication is important for human learning. The team leader needs to use picture or flowchart to show how ideas work in dealing with challenges and opportunities in undertaking the projects. Team members who are good as visual learners can learn easily using pictures/colors/graphs to explain complex ideas into simple ones. Enhancing their understanding about the complexity of the works/projects, will help the team to achieve its goals in short period of time. This will save time to conduct meetings that will lessen the energy to do the actual work.

However, meetings are important to clarify and decide on the decision to take as a whole teamwork. A simple meeting with less than 10 minutes presentation about the important agenda is valuable to set the right path for the projects. Every single meeting has to come up with a good output that will guide the decision for the projects at hand. Having an important agenda on every meeting is essential to set the direction of the teamwork.

One thing that team leader has to do is to encourage feedback to show the progress of the projects and what has been changed and remained unchanged, and why it happens. Making members comfortable to speak their mind is also an art in itself. This feedback is the key to increase the productivity of the teamwork. How to get the feedback and how to implement feedback are important to undertake before and after the decision about the projects have been undertaken. It is essential to take time slots for taking this feedback and build direct communication with team members. Making a habit of moving around the office to check on your team members each day will make them understand that as a team leader, you have dedicated specific time to communicate with them. It is always nice to know when you can talk to your team leader as it builds trust through open communication. During this time, sense of humor with a funny joke or team building activities can also be conducted. This simple thing will make the team members laugh and relax. At the end, it will enhance the teamwork productivity.

Finally, using the communication technology, setting a new meeting agenda, using verbal communication, conducting visual presentation of complex ideas in a simple graph, all these can help to improve the communication systems among members within the teamwork.

Best Regards,

Suryani Eka Wijaya


Suryani Eka Wijaya atau yang akrab dipanggil Eka merupakan wanita kelahiran Kota Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Saat ini Eka menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi NTB. Setelah mengambil gelar ST dan MBA, Eka mendapatkan kesempatan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan doktoral di Massey University, New Zealand pada konsentrasi Perencanaan melalui program beasiswa New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) pada tahun 2012. Hobi Eka adalah bersepeda, travelling dan berenang. Ia merupakan salah satu pelopor Mataram Kota Sepeda pada tahun 2019. Harapannya untuk transportasi di NTB adalah “NTB bisa menjadi teladan untuk transportasi berkelanjutan di perkotaan dan pedesaan”.

Dr Suryani Eka Wijaya is the Secretary of Transportation Department of NTB Province in Indonesia. Her research focuses on the challenges and opportunities that Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) brings to low-income Asian cities. Her first published book is Moving the Masses: Bus-Rapid Transit Policies in Low-Income Asian Cities (2019 by Springer) together with Dr Muhammad Imran. Before working for the Transportation Department, she worked as the Head of Research and Development Division of Regional Development Planning (BAPPEDA) of NTB Province, which dealing with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She aspires to develop policy and planning for ease implementation of sustainable transport system in Asian cities. Suryani received her PhD in Planning from Massey University, New Zealand (as a New Zealand Development Scholar), her Master in Engineering Management and Policy from the University of Technology Sydney, Australia (on the Australian Development Scholarship) and her undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia.

Description: https://dishub.ntbprov.go.id/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/111.jpg

Public transport in low-income Asian (LIA) cities fails to meet people’s mobility needs, generates high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and worsens social exclusion. Following successful Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) projects in Bogota and Curitibá, LIA countries promoted BRT in their large to medium-sized cities. However, the political and institutional structure distinctive to LIA cities makes their implementation difficult. This book investigates policy tensions by examining the planning and attempted implementation of BRT projects, taking Bandung and Surabaya in Indonesia as case studies. It analyses BRT to understand how power and communication gaps in institutional relationships between different actors at multiple levels of governance create conflict, and concludes that top-down policies and funding mechanisms cause tension in intergovernmental relationships. It also found that BRT solutions generated socio-political tension arising from the socio-economic realities and local political dynamics that shaped city structure, mobility patterns and capacity in resolving conflicts. The superimposed BRT solution generated discursive tension because conflicting discourses were not aligned with local economic, social, and environmental issues. The book highlights the need to take into consideration the vital role of local social and political actors, institutions and planning processes as they respond to and shape policies that are imposed by higher levels.

Link: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-981-13-2938-8


Oleh : Bayu Windia/ Ketua Badan Pelaksana Majelis Adat Sasak.

Ketika “ibu segala perang,”  Brata Yudha, hampir pecah, sebagaimana diceritakan dalam epos Mahabrata, terdapat satu penggalan adegan yang menarik. Yakni, adegan ketika 2 panglima perang dari pihak yang akan berhadap2an, yaitu, Arjuna dari pihak Pandawa dan Duryodana dari pihak Kurawa, berusaha memperebutkan dukungan. Keduanya berusaha mendapat dukungan Shri Khrisna. Duryodana tiba duluan. Dijumpainya Shri Krisna sedang tidur.  Tak berani mengganggu tidur sang Krisna, jelmaan dewa, lalu Duryodana mengambil posisi berdiri di dekat kepala Krisna, menanti Krisna terjaga. Menyusul datang Arjuna. Krisna masih juga tertidur, lalu menunggu pada posisi kaki Krisna. Tak lama kemudian, Krisna terbangun. Melihat gelagat seperti itu, Krisna langsung menebak apa yang bakal terjadi. Dua orang ini datang padaku, bersamaan pula, pasti akan meminta dukunganku, fikir Krisna. Lalu berujar Krisna kepada keduanya : Wahai para pangeran, apa yang membuat kalian datang bersamaan kepadaku, Krisna pura2 bertanya.

Duryodana menjawab, peperangan tinggal menghitung hari. Aku kemari untuk meminta dukunganmu, kata Duryodana.  Hampir sama pula dengan jawaban yang diutarakan Arjuna. Baiklah, kata Krisna. Aku akan mendengar permintaan kalian berdua, secara bergiliran. Aku akan memberikan kesempatan pertama kepada Arjuna, karena ialah yang aku lihat lebih dahulu setelah baru saja aku terbangun dari tidurku. Pangeran Duryodana tidak setuju. Pertengkaran berlanjut.  Sejenak Krisna terdiam, lalu menyambung kata2nya : sewaktu aku terbangun, yang kulihat terlebih dahulu adalah Arjuna, maka akan kuberikan Arjuna yang lebih dahulu memilih. Pertengkaran dihadapan Krisna tak terelakkan. Sebelum pertengkaran  berkepanjangan, Krisna menyuruh mereka untuk diam. Dengarkan aku, katanya. Aku ini, adalah seorang raja yang menguasai 100.000 prajurit, sepertiga diantaranya, adalah prajurit sangat terlatih. Sebanyak kali peperangan diikutinya, sebanyak itu pasukanku menang. Tak pernah kalah perang. Tapi ketahuilah, semua kekuatan prajuritku itu, kalkulasi militernya, sama dengan aku seorang. Jadi, boleh kalian pilih, diantara memilih semua prajuritku atau memilih aku seorang. Arjuna ajukan pilihanmu. Lalu dengan tanpa ragu, Arjuna memilih untuk didampingi oleh Krisna seorang, bukan memilih 100.000 prajurit. Duryodana tak bisa menahan kegirangannya. Dasar bodoh kau Arjuna, kau telah salah memilih,  begitu kata hati Duryodana. Dan aku yang diberi kesempatan memilih belakangan, telah sangat beruntung.

Apa yang terjadi selanjutnya? Ketika perang Bratayudha berlangsung, Krisna mengambil posisi sebagai kusir kereta perang Arjuna. Tentu saja, strategi perang paling jitu, dimiliki oleh pihak pandawa. Begitupun, ketika mental pasukan Pandawa sedang jatuh, berbagai taktik dan siasat diberikan oleh Krisna. Seperti diketahui, akhir dari perang Bratayudha dimenangkan oleh Pandawa dibawah panglima perang Arjuna. Apa yang bisa dipetik dari kisah ini? Betapa management (baca: strategi, siasat dan taktik) lebih unggul daripada jumlah prajurit yang banyak. Leadership dan management yang kuat lebih diperlukan daripada jumlah team sukses yang banyak tapi tidak rapi. Rebut dukungan pemimpin, bukan prajurit. Selamat bertarung sehat dalam pilkada.

Just Bike!

Dear World,

This is the beginning of a critical moment in our lives. Well, we have so many problems these days, especially during this pandemic of new coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Death seems clearer. It looks nearer, it can come to anyone and anytime soon. Here I am sitting in the corner of my bedroom not only to comfort you, I am trying to comfort myself too. Exactly like you, I just can’t believe that I truly life in this situation, where people use face masks, keep physical distancing, cannot attend their brother/sister/friend’s funeral, where doctors and nurses cannot stay in their own home to protect their family and all of us have to wash our hands regularly. This virus has changed our behaviour, it has made us stayed home for quiet long time. This seems like a repeated history.  

As humanity, I am concern with global world too, with air pollution in the cities that need to be changed immediately. As citizen, I want to support my country to thrive in this difficult situation. I want to be part of the solution, to start with cycling as a “new normal” tradition with my friends, family, and colleagues. Living here in the situation of pandemics of Covid-19, my mind was thinking back the life that I have been through in Sydney when I was there studying for my master’s degree in early 2002.  All of sudden I also have a dream of cycling around Indonesia and Australia once this pandemic’s over. I used to bike to school and campus.

I still remember the first feeling I had when my mom gave me a birthday present when I was in the elementary school. Never come across my mind that I can have a bike, yes a bike. I was cycling like crazy as an expression of my happiness. So, bike and happiness are two things that now tightly close to each other, just like the sun and the moon, they both make the earth beautiful.

In Copenhagen, Denmark, cycling is part of their culture, bringing hygge to people’s life. I was inspired by this book, “The little book of hygge: The Danish way to live well” written by Meik Wiking from The Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen in 2016.  The moment you start pedalling, you feel joy, freedom to move, and happiness. I feel it and I want to embrace it forever. Let me read to you the points that touch my heart the most, “cycling is not only beneficial for the individual and his or her wellbeing and health, it’s an indicator of the degree of neighbours and local sense of community” (p.254). It also emphasizing the importance of cycling for urban planning that if many people cycle in the city, it is an indication that we live in a healthy neighbourhood because neighbourhood togetherness and trust among locals are important element in urban areas.

We cannot make this world perfect; the world is not ours because we borrow it from the next generation. This is the time to start all over again, for building a cycling culture in our cities. No matter how hard it seems, this is a golden opportunity to build a better world, starting from ourselves. We need to change. I want us to fight together, to make a great history, where the next generation will read it from books with pride that their elders have tried their best to survive, to make a difference. I want them to be proud of us since we fully understand that no matter what, life must go on.

And now I bike again, to stay healthy and contribute to emission reduction. This is an opportunity to fight for a better facility for cyclists in the city. It is an opportunity for inspiring others to think about sustainable urban transport. The concept of sustainability needs to be in place, highlighting the importance of cycling, walking, and public transport that aligned with the health protocol for Covid-19.

In the end, what matter is how we handle the storm to keep going with our lives, especially after this pandemic is over. Cycling is now part of the new normal too post Covid-19 pandemic. We are trying to reduce the crowd in the public transport facilities. During the unprecedented Covid-19, cycling can help us to keep a distance with others, we can reduce the use of oil, reduce air pollution, save our income from oil consumption, save the environment, make our life healthy, increase social interactions with other cyclists, and reduce the inequality by shortening the gaps between poor and rich people in Asia. The health protocol for Covid-19 for cyclist is applied such as managing physical distancing, wearing face mask, ensuring food/nutrition and water, sharing the road with others, and following road signs with discipline. Just bike and be happy!

Best Regards,

Suryani Eka Wijaya